Vito Vitale is Research Director at the CNR Institute of Polar Sciences (ISP) in Bologna. He is an expert of radiative transfer processes into the atmosphere, with research focus on radiation budget and role that atmospheric composition and surface characteristics play in modulating Shortwave (SW) and Longwave (LW) radiation components, determining their seasonal and inter-annual variability. He have been involved in polar research and management since 1986, both in Antarctica and in the Arctic. He leads the Climate Change Tower Integrated Project (CCT-IP, a large multidisciplinary project at CNR Arctic Station Dirigibile Italia, aiming to investigate arctic ABL energy budget, and role played by different processes involving air, aerosols, clouds, snow, ice and land (permafrost and vegetation) using well integrated multidisciplinary platforms. During his long activity in polar regions, he has promoted the improvement of observation technology for harsh environments, developing also custom instrumentation. With respect this last topic, current interest is devoted to increase the capability to perform continuous atmospheric observations over ocean, in particular those related to radiation and aerosols. In relation to data: (i) inย  the frame of National Antarctic Programme (PNRA) and Arctic Research Programme (PRA)ย  he is coordinating decelopment and implementation of Italian Polar Repositories: National Antarctic Data Centre (NADC) and Italian Arctic Data Centre (IADC); (ii) has the responsability to coordinate CNR contribution to SIOS (Svalbard Integrated Observing System) distributed DMS through IADC; (iii) leaded development of the ARICE EU Project Data Manangement tools.